Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the yellow picture -

Why is my photo yellow? I will find a new one someday soon, I promise.
That was my "official I.D. photo" at my last job. The photographer grabbed me,
on the fly, in the cafeteria of all places....pushed me against the door of the
ladies room and snapped away.
Sheesh. I've changed my look a dozen times since then;
but I haven't yet gotten up the nerve to dye my hair black,
use white foundation, sport bright red lipstick and take on
the "Goth-Grandma" look.

what the hell have I done?

American pickers, unite - and show up at my house for the big sale soon to be advertised.
It appears that my house has turned from a home into a warehouse; I need an intervention.
Some kind of help. There's TOO MUCH STUFF! Where did it all come from?! Time passed and I collected. Not hoarded, mind you - that's gross. I collected, I treasured and I enjoyed.
But now I have to downsize by at least half, and quickly. Been trying for a year now to get motivated and just git 'er done. Problem is, as much as I want to move on to my "new life" - subject of the next post, probably - I just can't seem to part with all the things that have become "me" - literally, my identity. Pathetic?... or a common problem?
One big sale in October loosened me from my ornate 1800's cast iron coal cook-stove,  an oak ball & claw-foot pedestal table, my green 1930's kitchen gas stove that a guy practically stole from me (I need lessons from Mike & Frank, or that gal at "Cash & Cari" on how to better negotiate, I guess).  I suppose I should be more positive, because the money I earned from those allowed me to buy a kickin' new stove and dishwasher for my kitchen - just so I can leave them for the next people who will buy the house.  : (
That sale also freed up some space so I can unpack more boxes to see what the hell I've been holding on to, with the past intention of selling and making BIGGO BUCKOs on eBay. Somehow, that's not as enticing any more, though....I'm exhausted just thinking about it! Guess I'll go brew another K-cup.
Meanwhile, you can't walk almost anywhere in here, as I supposedly "organize" and "categorize" my junk. Piles of doilies, for heaven's sake. Want 'em? Women spent countless hours creating those, and now they're out of fashion, how sad. My mother and grandmother's vintage turquoise Fiesta Ware (mint condition, too,) is sitting all over my dining room floor. What to do with it all? I know somebody must want it.
Goodwill and Purple Heart has made millions on my giveaways already ~  hopefully bettering others' lives in some way. Pass it on, they say. Now that the trash is gone, how do I deal with the Treasures?